
Billing and Cancellations (7)

FAQ questions regarding billing and Cancellations

Game Servers (57)

Support for our products

General (10)

General game server information for example how to use the control panel or FTP and how to recover the username and password

Mumble (4)

Mumble voice server


 Checksum mismatch, how to fix it?

Checksum mismatch on the server. What to do?What is a checksum mismatch? A checksum mismatch is...

 Analyzing network issues which can cause lag (ping spikes & packet loss)

Background information:Lag can be caused by many different factors, however most often it's...

 Admin Commands

In-Game you can grant yourself Administrator rights by typing the following command in the...


To cancel your server you will have to cancel it in the client area.Cancellation requests by...

 How can I login directly to controlpanel?

You can directly access the game/voice server control panel with the following URL:...