General Commands

Loading SAPP

These commands are used for loading, unloading, and reloading SAPP.

Command Effect

This command is used for loading SAPP and is immediately available when strings.dll is enabled. This command will fail if sapp.dll is not present.

This command cannot be used while SAPP is loaded.


This command will unload SAPP, essentially reverting the game back to stock. This is useful if you want to manually update.

This command can only be executed from the server console or from rcon.

reload This command will reload SAPP’s configuration settings and any SAPP scripts from the SAPP folder. This is faster than using unload and then load.

General Commands

These commands are intended to be used by administrators to moderate the server or otherwise don’t fall under the other categories.

Command usage Effect Level

Display a list of AFK players.


b <player_expr> [reason] [time]

This command kicks and issues a ban on a player and announces this to the server. Time uses the same format as the sv_ban command.



Balance teams based on stats. This may not always make the teams even in player count.



This command is equivalent to sv_banlist.


beep [Hz] [ms] Play a beeping sound on the host. By default, this is 1000 Hz at 1000 milliseconds. 4


Display information about the server’s CPU, CPU load, memory usage, and operating system.


d <player_expr>

Display a player’s name, team, admin level, player table index, and machine index. If the player is alive, then also display the object address, object ID, shield, health, speed, invisibility info, as well as the player’s coordinates. If the player has a weapon, then also display the weapon address and weapon object ID, if in a vehicle then also the vehicle address and vehicle object ID.



Locate all SAPP txt files.


ipban <player_expr> [time] [reason]

Temporarily ban a player by IP. If ban time is 0 or no ban time is given, then the ban is indefinite.



Display all IP bans and their indices. 3

iprangeban <name> <IP range> [reason] [time]

Ban an IP by range using CIDR IP addressing (X.X.X.X/YY). If no time is given, then the ban is indefinite. This may not immediately remove players from the server unless full_ipban is enabled.


ipunban <index>

Unban an IP. 3
inf <player_expr>

Display a player’s CD-key hash, IP address, and index.

k <player_expr> [reason] This command kicks a player on a player and announces this to the server. 2
kdr <player_expr> Display a player’s kill/death ratio. 0
log_note [message] Make a note in SAPP’s log. 4
map <map> <gametype> This is an alias for sv_map. 3
maplist This command is equivalent to sv_maplist, but displays maps in three columns. 3
mute <player_expr> [time] Ban a player’s IP from the chat. If time is unspecified, the ban is indefinite. Mutes are volatile and are cleared when SAPP is reloaded. 2
mutes List mutes. 2
unmute <index> Remove a mute. 2
pl This command is equivalent to sv_players. 2
skips List players who voted to skip the server. 0
teamup Group clan members together. 2
textban <player_expr> [time] Ban a player’s CD-key from the chat. If time is unspecified, the ban is indefinite. Textbans are volatile and are cleared when SAPP is reloaded. 2
textbans List textbans. 2
textunban <index> Remove a textban. 2
uptime Display how long the server and operating system have been running. 0
Copyright © 2025 SAPP: Halo and Halo Custom Edition Server App. All Rights Reserved.
SAPP is sponsored by Elite Game Servers