Naughty commands

These commands can be used to directly modify various attributes of players, which may be useful for events, custom commands, and Lua scripts. These commands cannot be used when scrim_mode is enabled, and all of them require the player to have level 4 admin access in order to use them

Command Effect
ammo <player_expr> [int_expr] [weapon]

Change a player’s weapon’s unloaded ammo.

Weapon is the weapon with:
0 or unspecified = Current weapon
1 = Primary weapon
2 = Secondary weapon
3 = Tertiary weapon
4 = Quaternary weapon
5 = All weapons

area_add_cuboid <name> <a_x> <a_y> <a_z> <b_x> <b_y> <b_z> Add a custom rectangular area.
area_add_sphere <name> <x> <y> <z> <r> Add a custom spherical area.
area_del <name> Remove an area.
area_list List all areas for the loaded map.
area_listall List all areas for all maps.
assist <player_expr> [int_expr] Change a player’s assist count.
battery <player_expr> [decimal_expr] [weapon] Change a player’s weapon’s battery, with the value. Weapon is the same as at the ammo command.
boost <player_expr> Moves a player to the location the player is looking at.
camo <player_expr> [time] Apply a camo to a player for an amount of seconds. This will have no effect if the player already has a camo.
color <player_expr> [index] Change a player’s FFA color.
coord <player_expr> Return the player’s coordinates.
deaths <player_expr> [amount] Change a player’s death count
disable_all_objects <team> <disable> Disable all objects for a team, preventing all players on a team from using any objects.
disable_all_vehicles <team> <disable> Disable all vehicles for a team, preventing all players on a team from using any vehicles.
disable_object <tag_path> [team] Disable an object, optionally disabling for a specific team. Use tools like HMT or Eschaton to retrieve tag paths, or use the tag paths listed in the table below.
disabled_objects List all disabled objects.
enable_object <index or tag_path> Enable an object based on ID retrieved from disabled_objects, or based on a tag path. Use tools like HMT or Eschaton to retrieve tag paths, or use the tag paths listed in the table below.
gamespeed [speed]

Change the ticks-per-second of the game. A tick normally lasts 1/30 of a second, but this command can change this to make the server faster or slower.

This setting requires that clients have HAC2 or Anticheat installed to sync automatically.
Values greater than 35 may result in networking issues for clients where the value has synced.

Values lower than 30 will result in unsynced clients visibly warping according to synced clients, effectively making all unsynced clients run at 30 ticks per second while everyone else runs at the slower speed of the server.

Default: 30.0

god <player_expr> Enable invulnerability for a player. Use ungod to remove.
ungod <player_expr> Remove god mode from a player, if it’s enabled.
gravity <float> Set the server gravity in world units/tick2. By default, this is 0.003656.

This setting requires clients have Anticheat to sync automatically.
hp <player_expr> [decimal_expr] Get or set the health for a player.
kill <player_expr> Kill the player.
kills <player_expr> [int_expr] Get or set the kills for a player.
lag <player_expr> Prevent the player from moving, resulting in them appearing to lag and warp back to a single spot. Use the unlag command to remove this effect from a player.
unlag <player_expr> Disable lag on a player.
loc_add <location_name> Add a location to the location of the player.
loc_add <location_name> <x> <y> <z> Add a location to an X/Y/Z coordinate.
loc_del <location_name> Delete a location.
loc_list List locations for the currently loaded map.
loc_listall List all locations for all maps.
m <player_expr> <x> <y> <z> Teleport the player to a location relative to that player.
mag <player_expr> [int_expr] [weapon] Get or edit the ammo loaded in the player’s weapon. Weapon is the same as at the ammo command.
nades <player_expr> [int_expr] [type]

Get or edit the amount of grenades that the player is holding. Type is the grenade type, with 1 being primary and 2 being secondary.  If no grenade is specified, then both types of grenades are affected.

Although a player may have up to 127 grenades, grenade counts greater than 7 will not sync properly with clients. This may prevent the grenade counter from being displayed properly. Avoid using more than 7 grenades.

s <player_expr> [decimal_expr] Get or edit the speed of the player.
score <player_expr> [int_expr] Get or edit the player’s score.
sh <player_expr> [decimal_expr] Get or edit the player’s shield.
spawn <type> <tag_path> [player_number] [rotation] Spawn an object at a player’s location. Type is the tag class. Use tools like HMT or Eschaton to retrieve tag paths. Rotation is in radians.
spawn <type> <tag_path> [location_name] [rotation] Spawn an object at a location.  Type is the tag class. Use tools like HMT or Eschaton to retrieve tag paths. Rotation is in radians.
spawn <type> <tag_path> [<x> <y> <z>] [rotation] Spawn an object at an X/Y/Z coordinate, optionally providing rotation in radians.  Type is the tag class. Use tools like HMT or Eschaton to retrieve tag paths. Rotation is in radians.
st <player_expr> [red/blue] Change the team of the player. Providing a team name will only change the player if they are on the team opposite to the provided team name.
t <player_expr> <location_name> Teleport the player to a location.
t <player_expr> <x> <y> <z> Teleport the player to an X/Y/Z coordinate.
team_score [red/blue/both] [int_expr] Get or edit the score of a team or all teams.
tp <player_expr> <player_number> Move the player to another player.
vdel <player_expr> Delete all vehicle(s) that were assigned to the targeted player with the spawn command.
vdel_all Delete all vehicles that have been spawned with SAPP.
venter <player_expr> [seat] Force the player to enter the previously spawned vehicle. A player can be in multiple vehicles/seats. Seat is the index of the seat, with 1 usually being the driver’s seat.
vexit <player_expr> Force the player to exit all vehicles.
wadd <player_expr> Add the previously spawned weapon to the player’s inventory.
wdel <player_expr> <weapon>

Remove a weapon from the player’s inventory and delete it.

Weapon is the weapon with:
0 = Current weapon
1 = Primary weapon
2 = Secondary weapon
3 = Tertiary weapon
4 = Quaternary weapon
5 or unspecified = All weapons

wdrop <player_expr> Drop the player’s currently held weapon.

List of the object names and types:

These are the default object's in Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo: Custom Edition.
To get a complete list of all the objects on a map you can use a tool like HMT (Halo Map Tools) or Eschaton

Real Name Object Name Type
Banshee vehicles\banshee\banshee_mp


Covenant Gun turret vehicles\c gun turret\c gun turret_mp


Ghost vehicles\ghost\ghost_mp vehi
Rocket Warthog vehicles\rwarthog\rwarthog vehi
Warthog vehicles\warthog\mp_warthog vehi
Scorpion vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_mp vehi
Assault Rifle weapons\assault rifle\assault rifle weap
Oddball weapons\ball\ball weap
Flag weapons\flag\flag weap
Flamethrower weapons\flamethrower\flamethrower weap
Fuel rod gun weapons\plasma_cannon\plasma_cannon weap
Needler weapons\needler\mp_needler weap
Pistol weapons\pistol\pistol weap
Plasma Pistol weapons\plasma pistol\plasma pistol weap
Plasma Rifle weapons\plasma rifle\plasma rifle weap
Rocket Laucher weapons\rocket launcher\rocket launcher weap
Shotgun weapons\shotgun\shotgun weap
Sniper Rifle weapons\sniper rifle\sniper rifle weap
Frag Grenade weapons\frag grenade\frag grenade eqip
Plasma Grenade weapons\plasma grenade\plasma grenade eqip
Healt Pack powerups\health pack eqip
Over Shield powerups\over shield eqip
Camouflage powerups\active camouflage eqip
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SAPP is sponsored by Elite Game Servers